About Us

The North Shore Table Tennis Society is a not-for-profit organization established to increase awareness, opportunity, and participation in the sport of table tennis on and around the North Shore of greater Vancouver.

Our mandate includes the following:Breaking down the barriers to participation by individuals and/or groups with physical, mental, economic or sociological challenges.

The provision of equitable and quality opportunities and services to players of all ages and abilities.

The provision of developmental and sustainable high-performance programs.

The provision of a safe, ethical, technically sound and athlete-centred environment for all citizens interested in participating.

Accountability to our members, stakeholders, partner organizations, sponsors, corporate supporters and grant/funding organizations.

Society Memberships support our Programs, Leagues and Events, and includes entitlement to discounted fees for these, as well as those of the North Shore Table Tennis Club.

To Join the Society simply fill the form online here, or sign up in person at the North Shore Table Tennis Club, and pay the fees in cash or by cheque made to North Shore Table Tennis Society.
Annual Membership fees: Non-Voting Annual $50.00, Voting Annual $75.00, Youth Annual U-18 $25.00

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