
2021 CHRISTMAS Table Tennis Tournament Report

This was a Non-Sanctioned, Fun and Merry tournament presented by: North Shore Table Tennis Society in cooperation with the North Shore Table Tennis Club held on SATURDAY December 04, 2021 from 9am to 7pm at 1555 FORBES AVE, North Vancouver.

We had over 60 entries in 6 events, and extend our thanks to all of the players who participated. We also congratulate the winners who are listed below, and invite you to check out he Tournament website where you will find match details .

1Sammy Al-Himyary
2Arvan Abdolazimi
3Aden Al-Himyary
4Jacky Luan
1Borna Amjadi
2Harrison Belenkie
3Katelynn Chen
4Seyed Mehrad Azizikashi
1Hossein Ghazimoradi
2Mazen Khoudeir
3Sharookh Daroowala
4Grace Lisicka
1Yasser Abdolazimi
2Andrew Staehling
3Guy Macpherson
4Maurice Freikovh
1Hossein Ghazimoradi
2Sharookh Daroowala
3Grace Lisicka
4Sri Srinivas
1Arn Coleman
John Mclennan
2Paul Edwards
Chris Sayour
3Grace Lisicka
Sri Srinivas
4David Clark Wilson
Siamak Ebrahimi

North Shore Seniors League Season 7 Round 1 Standings

League Team Standings after one round of three (Nov 11/21)

1Nature’s Best8532
4Dream Team5505

Current Standings for the top 10 out of 22 leagues players

1Mazen KhoudeirDream Team 78
2David Clark-WilsonNature’s Best 712
3Deanna KastaWARRIORS 68
4Paul EdwardsWARRIORS 68
5Chris SayourWARRIORS 68
6Moe Haj JafariPARS 69
7Peter IsherwoodOLD DOGS 56
8John MclennanOLD DOGS  47
9Rosstam BastaniPARS   36
10Heidi JugryensNature’s Best  38

NS Seniors League Update

League Match play began on Wednesday, October 20 at 11:00am, with five teams playing each week. This is a 50+ seniors league, and there is still a spot open for one more player. If interested in joining the league please contact mike at To see league standings and match results visit our league page here: or the league Website below.

North Shore Seniors League Announcement

Registration for NSSL Season 7 will begin on Monday, October 4, 2021.

Entry forms and league rules will also be available online at  the league website once it is updated. Deadline for entry will be Friday, October 15, 2021 .You can see season 6 at:

League starts  Wednesday October 20, 2021 and ends Wednesday, December 15, 2021.  

League Format

Teams shall consist of 2-5 players – Teams may add or replace players during the season with committee approval.

Team Matches will consist of a total of 5 Matches.

Before each team match, the captain of each team shall select 2 or 3 players and designate them as players A, B, C or X, Y, Z as determined by a draw.

The playing order shall be as set out on score sheets. Example: A vs X, B vs Y, A vs Y, B vs X 

Doubles match (played by any 2 players from each team)
A & C vs X & Z

Teams will play best 3 out of 5 games to 11 rally points (win by two points). The team that wins 3 of the 5 matches shall win the team match, however all game matches should be played as Team ranking will be based on 2 points for each game match won, and 1 point for Game Match lost. Individual Ranking will also be based on the same point system. Results will be posted online weekly.

Rules are based on International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules. Non-white clothing to be worn during matches. Appropriate footwear-court shoes with non-marking soles
Players may be required to umpire their own matches

Host Venue: North Shore Table Tennis Club at 1555 Forbes Street North Vancouver.  

Match Time: All matches will start at 11:00 am – Warm-Up: Begins at 10:30 am

Fees: A onetime $75 team entry fee.  The team entry fee is payable by cheque (made to North Shore Table Tennis Club); by cash, E-Transfer, or Debit/Credit card at the club (a 5% fee applies for Debit/Credit card).

Player Match Day Fees to be waived thanks to a seniors grant from CNV. 

All team members must be members of the North Shore Table Tennis Society -sign up at:

Equipment: Tables and nets approved by league committee. Balls: White 3* ITTF approved balls.

 Trophies and prizes: TBD.

League co-chairs: Mike Dumler & Luba Sadovska, Committee members: Paul Edwards & Arn Coleman.  

For More information contact:

Mike Dumler, League co-chair,  E-mail: ; Phone: Cell 604-340-6774, Home 604-684-6912 – Or Luba Sadovska, League Co-chair Email: , Phone 604-209-7037.

Surveys & The North Shore Table Tennis Society

Surveys are important to us because they’re the most reliable method for us to gather information about our members, and those who participate in our programs, and use our services. Surveys also provide us with valuable feedback which helps us evaluate the programs and services we provide, and develop new programs and services that better meet your needs & expectations.

To encourage participation in our surveys we offer a draw for a $50 credit towards our programs, Drop-ins, Lessons, and Robot rentals. Simply add your name and email address at the end of each survey to be entered in the draw.

Our latest survey is now available at: – and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. This Survey will be open until Monday, September 21. We look forward to receiving your responses.

Playing Table Tennis by the Rules

At the North Shore Table Tennis Club players are encouraged to play by the official rules of Table Tennis as set by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). These are known as the “Laws of Table Tennis”, and found between page 34 and 41 of the ITTF Handbook: Since this handbook is over 200 pages, and covers topics like Regulations for International Competitions, and Directives for Match Officials at World Title Competitions, you may prefer to download the basic rules and regulations of Table Tennis posted on the clubs website .

For Club competitions (tournaments & Leagues) rules are mandatory. A reference copy of these rules is available at the club, and club coaches, and certified table tennis umpires welcome rule questions.

When playing a friendly match, and a coach or umpire is not immediately available to provide a ruling, players are encouraged to declare a disputed point a let and replay it.

This happened recently when a player could not reach a ball in play with racket in hand, so let go of their racket which then struck and successfully returned the ball. Their opponent failed to return the ball, but disputed the point. A let was declared and they replayed the point, and later an umpire was asked what the rule was. Being an uncommon question, the umpire looked up the answer in the rule book and determined the point to be lost as the racket was not held in hand when it struck the ball. Rule 2.5.7 “A player strikes the ball if he or she touches it in play with his or her racket, held in the hand, or with his or her racket hand below the wrist.”

Have a question about a rule, ask it in the comment section below, and if we post the answer to your question in our next Post, you will win a sleeve of Nittaku 40+ 3* Balls.

Paul Edwards – Certified Club Umpire & Scorekeeper – MEC 2017 Employee Tournament


Jason Wong is the winner of the Players Survey Draw for a $50 North Shore Table Tennis Club Gift Card, courtesy of the North Shore Table Tennis Society.  Thanks to all players who participated in this survey. Stay Tuned for future surveys

Please take the survey by following the link below. This will  help us better meet the needs of our members, and you will be entered in our draw for a $50 gift card towards Drop-ins, lessons, or Robot time. Draw to be held on Thursday, June 25 – 5:00pm at the Club on Forbes Street NV.

NOTE: PLAYERS SURVEY Closes at Noon on Thursday, June 25

Bringing Your Play to the Next Level

For many table tennis players, the feeling that they may have reached their peak level of play is not uncommon. This is usually when the players that you can beat, and that can beat you stay the same for an extended period of time.

Or what’s worse is that players you used to beat are now beating you. While you may feel you are getting worse, you most likely have reached a plateau.

Players often respond by changing rackets, blades and/or rubbers. Which unless they have a particularly poor racket or old rubbers does not get them to the next level.

Some players increase their practice time, however simply playing more will rarely get you to the next level. That is because in most cases, you need to change your strokes, footwork, or game/match strategy. It is also necessary to change muscle memory.

The following suggestions for getting to the next level are based on our experience and observations.

Find a coach who can analyze your play, and create a player improvement plan tailored to your needs.

Build drills into your practice sessions that your coach recommends.

Seek out playing partners a level or two above you. A good way to do this is joining a league.

Be more fearless in your play, you may lose more at first, but as the old saying goes it is not whether you win or lose, but how your play the game

We look forward to seeing you at the next Level!

Table Tennis AKA Ping Pong for All – Blog

Table Tennis for All is where our Coaches, Directors and members will be sharing Table Tennis related news, articles, and information that will be of interest to players of all ages and abilities.
Welcome to the North Shore Table Tennis Society Blog where our Coaches, Directors and members will be sharing Table Tennis related news, articles, and information that we believe will be of interest to players of all ages and abilities.
We encourage participation in Table Tennis as a sport, or as a recreational activity, because of the significant mental and physical health benefits it provides. A list of these benefits can be found at: , and will be discussed in greater detail in future posts.
Future post will also detail the benefits that inclusive social interaction that table tennis can provide to individuals and communities, and highlight some of our Society programs more diverse programs.

We welcome comments and suggestions for future posts, and to encourage your interaction with our blog, will periodically feature a Table Tennis related question. The first correct response will win a sleeve of 3 Star ITTF approve Table Tennis Balls (provided by and to be picked up at the North Shore Table Tennis club .

Question: Who is the BC athlete who won a Bronze Medal in Table Tennis at the recent Lima Para Pan Am Games?

Answer: Stephanie Chan –